Friday, May 1, 2009

Labour Day!

It's exactly 2 months from my last update! Haha. People who know me will know that I don't update my blog that often, reason being I only post important things that happened in my life! Hehe. I know many will update almost daily with nitty gritty details but heh I'm just not that sort. :)

Anyway, the big thing happening in my life right now is my upcoming wedding dinner on 30th May! That's less than a month away! Preps are underway but there are soooo many things to take care of. I am sure those of you who are already married will agree with me with 2 hands up! That's why they always say it's a 'once in a lifetime' event. No sane one will want to go thru this more than once!! Haha.

Today has indeed been "Labour Day" for me! Been a 'labourer' for my room today with the packing of my room's furniture to make way for my new set of furniture. Damn shag! But luckily I have the help of my wife *hugs*, my mum and my maid. Without them, today I sure jialat. Maybe pengz on the floor now liao. Hehe. My new set of furniture will be coming in 2 weeks and before that, the room has to be repainted, some wiring need to be re-run etc. @_@

Still, some work remains yet to be completed! I wonder how people move house sia. One room only I already shag liao. Haha. But seriously I quite enjoy packing my room for the new furniture because that is the beginning of a new life for me! :)

People who are getting married, one word of advice for you: Start early! And I do not mean just the booking of your banquet 1 year before your wedding. Take care of the big items such as wedding studio and photography early because many unexpected small things/details will pop up at you when you least expect it. Wow, long post.. Haha. That's all for now. Ciao!